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     Over 25 years ago, a number of long-time members of the American Baptist Churches (ABC) came together wanting to begin a new ministry in the area of Central New Jersey, and Maranatha Baptist Fellowship is the result. Incorporated in 1999, Maranatha operates under a constitutional form of church government and is an ABC (American Baptist Churches) affiliate.

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    For decades now, Maranatha Baptist Fellowship, despite its smaller membership roll, has been used of Almighty God to minister not only to its own members' needs but to the needs of others in the community, state, the U.S., and the world.

     From its earliest days as a church/ministry, Maranatha has continually supported numerous missionaries and Christian organizations that are dedicated to taking the Good News of the Gospel to those who still need forgiveness of sins and to come to know Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. For example, in 2007, Maranatha helped plant a sister church, Maranatha India, in that far-away Asian country, and that ministry is still in operation overseas. Furthermore, when the Russian Kursk submarine was lost in the Barents Sea due to an accident, on August 12, 2000, the Fellowship helped Alex Leonovich, the former Executive Director of the Slavic Missionary Service complete the mission to the families of the Russian sub-mariners who perished. Today, Maranatha supports dozens of other Gospel workers around the world, assisting them financially and prayerfully as they labor to carry the news of Christ's love for all peoples to so many.

      But that is not all because, for many years, Maranatha has been used of the Lord God Almighty to help minister to people's material and practical needs as well--by providing donations of food, diapers, clothes, books, etc. to help troubled or less-fortunate women and families. Members of the Fellowship have also volunteered to help at Elijah's Kitchen, in nursing homes, and elsewhere to assist in caring for others in diverse ways.

       Finally, though not mighty in numbers, for more than a quarter of a century, Maranatha Baptist Fellowship's members have served as a regular regiment of prayer warriors, having prayed for the needs of many--even worldwide--and seen God's gracious answers to prayer, His faithful provision, His healing touches, His loving mercy and guidance--and so much more. At Maranatha Baptist Fellowship, we know that God hears and answers prayer. We have been witnesses to His doing that on a regular basis and are careful to be sure to praise and thank Him when He chooses to do so. 

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